Entry opportunities for students

A degree focusing on IT security is giving you the best career prospects today. Whether it is a master's degree in IT security at TU Darmstadt or the IT security specialization at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences - in Darmstadt, students are made fit for the constantly changing and increasing demands on IT security. You can gain international experience by spending a semester abroad or studying at one of the partner universities of TU Darmstadt.
Are you studying computer science, e-technology, mathematics or another MINT subject and would like to gain practical experience alongside your studies? Then we are the right place for you. As a working student at ATHENE, you can expect varied work at the interface between current research and business. In addition, you will establish important contacts for your future professional career.

From theory to practice: The thesis supported by ATHENE enables you to apply the knowledge you have acquired during your studies to concrete research projects. You would like to work scientifically and gain project experience at the same time? - We are looking forward to your application. Students from a wide range of disciplines will find an ideal environment at ATHENE to deal with topics in a practical way.