AI against money laundering
In a new research project, researchers at Fraunhofer SIT are developing a solution for the automated detection of illegal financial flows - including testable minimum requirements for the use of artificial intelligence in sensitive areas.

In the fight against money laundering, established software-based detection methods work too imprecisely and often sound false alarms. Investigating authorities are often overburdened as a result, because they have to follow up on every suspicion. In the new research project MaLeFiz (Machine Learning for the Identification of Conspicuous Financial Transactions), researchers at Fraunhofer SIT are now working on a solution that uses machine learning - an artificial intelligence technique - to improve the search for illegal money flows and make it more precise, so that fewer false alarms are generated. In addition, the project partners are developing minimum requirements and control mechanisms for AI solutions used in the financial industry. Furthermore, the results of the AI are to be made traceable. Participants are Deloitte GmbH, Fraunhofer SIT, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the University of Leipzig and the Center for Technology and Society at TU Berlin. The MaLeFiz project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and will run for three years. Fraunhofer SIT is leading the project and is responsible for the development of the AI-based tool. Further information at
Further information in the Fraunhofer SIT press release
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