ATHENE paper accepted at prestigious S&P
The paper "Investigating Voter Perceptions of Printed Physical Audit Trails for Online Voting", written in collaboration with ATHENE researchers, has been accepted at the prestigious IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P). S&P is the premier forum for leading international experts in research and practice to discuss the latest developments in computer security and electronic privacy.

Accepted paper is
Investigating Voter Perceptions of Printed Physical Audit Trails for Online Voting
Authors: Karola Marky, Nina Gerber, Henry John Krumb, Mohamed Khamis, Max Mühlhäuser
In the paper, the researchers examine voter confidence in a hybrid online voting system that combines the advantages of voting from home via the Internet with those of physical ballots, such as risk-limiting checks and verifiability.
Internet voting allows participation from anywhere and fast counting of votes, but at the cost of a loss of confidence among some citizens. The concept of hybrid Internet voting aims to give voters control over the correct processing of their votes cast online by physically printing them on paper or a 3D token in a way that can be observed by the voter via video transmission. The results of the study show that printing votes on paper in the presence of election officials can increase confidence in the voting process as it is as close as possible to the familiar process, while printing a 3D token is perceived as too lengthy.
The work is related to the ATHENE research area "Secure Urban Infrstructures", which includes research on mental models and user trust in secure infrastructure solutions (such as Internet voting).
Other papers accepted at the S&P in which scientists researching in ATHENE topics are involved:
BOLT: Privacy-Preserving, Accurate and Efficient Inference for Transformers
Authors: Qi Pang, Jinhao Zhu, Helen Möllering, Wenting Zheng, Thomas Schneider, Qi Pang
SoK: Efficient Design and Implementation of Polynomial Hash Functions over Prime Fields
Authors: Jean Paul Degabriele, Jan Gilcher, Jérôme Govinden, Kenneth G. Paterson
Winter Cycle
SoK: A Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation of Docker Container Attack and Defense Mechanisms
Authors: Md Sadun Haq, Thien Duc Nguyen, Franziska Volmer, Ali Saman Tosun, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Turgay Korkmaz
One for All and All for One: GNN-based Control-Flow Attestation for Embedded Devices
Authors: Marco Chilese, Richard Mitev, Meni Orenbach, Robert Thorburn, Ahmad Atamli, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
Spring Cycle
To Boldly Go Where No Fuzzer Has Gone Before: Finding Bugs in Linux' Wireless Stacks through VirtIO Devices
Authors: Jan Sönke Huster, Matthias Hollick, Jiska Classen
S&P 2024 took place from May 20 - 22, 2024 in San Francisco, USA.
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