ATHENE scientists discuss the possibilities and limits of cooperative security in cyberspace
As part of the lecture series of the Evangelical Academy Loccum under the title “Cyberwarfare - Cyberpeacebuliding. On a search for a Cooperative Security Architecture in Cyberspace ”, ATHENE scientist Prof. Christian Reuter, head of the research group PEASEC - Science and Technology for Peace and Security at the TU Darmstadt, discusses the possibilities and limits of cooperative security in cyberspace.

Under the title „Needed but Unachievable? Possibilities and Limits of Cooperative Security in Cyberspace“discuss on 05/05/2021:
Elena CHERNENKO, special correspondent on cybersecurity, non-proliferation and arms control, Kommersant Newspaper and board member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Relations and the Council of the PIR Center, Moscow
Regine GRIENBERGER, Ambassador for Cyber Foreign Policy, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
Christopher PAINTER, President, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, Member of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, and Associate Fellow at Chatham House and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Washington D.C.
Christian REUTER, Professor of Computer Science, Technical University Darmstadt and Head of PEASEC (Science and Technology for Peace and Security), Darmstadt
The aim of this workshop session is to work out the limits and possibilities of a future cooperative security architecture in the digital area, with particular attention to the lack of political will.
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Prof. Reuter coordinates the SecUrban research area in ATHENE.
Informations about PEASEC
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