
Pearls of Research and their Implementation


Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel has insight in the flagship project "Secure Internet-Infrastructure"

During the event "Perlen der Forschung" Dr. Haya Shulman from the Fraunhofer SIT presented Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel the CRISP flagship project "Secure Internet Infrastructure" and introduced the tools which were developed during this project for the global security analysis of internet infrastructures.

With trendsetting technologies and concepts a total of ten speakers from the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and the Max-Planck-Society demonstrated impressively the innovative strength of reseach in Germany-  everything within seven minute intervals. Besides Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, Bun­des­for­schungs­mi­nis­ter­in Professor Johanna Wanka, Wirtschaftsstaatssekretär Dr. Rainer Sontowski as well as further high ranking representatives from politics, the corporate sector und science were present.
Ten pearls in about two hours, that was impressive, even for Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel: »Through the presentation we feel encouraged to continue providing the dependable financial framework which has led to Germany becoming an attractive location for research«, so the Chancellor.

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