
Finanzielle Förderung von StartUps im Bereich IT-Sicherheit


Neue Fördermöglichkeiten für StartUps in der Ent­wicklungs­phase und Gründungsphase

Since the beginning of the year, all founders and  future founders get advice from our experts to develop their first ideas into market-ready products and services for more cyber security. To this end, the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) provides funding for various phases of the foundation, which can be applied for using StartUpSecure.

The StartUpSecure "founding-incubators" support the application for funding at their sites in Darmstadt, Saarbrücken, Bochum and Karlsruhe, which can be applied for either during the development or the start-up phase. In the first phase, the development phase, it is worked out how the idea can be implemented technically. Accompanying the research team creates a business plan. With the founding of the company, the second phase, the start-up phase, starts. Here, creative marketing and sales strategies are required for a successful start of the company.

Further information about the announcement made by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

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