

Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Based on Local Features Encoding for Unknown Attacks
Gonzalez-Soler, L. J.; Gomez-Barrero, M.; Chang, L.; Perez-Suarez, A.; Busch, C.
IEEE Access, Vol.9, p.5806-5820
[Journal Article]

Face Morphing Attacks: A Threat to eLearning?
Rathgeb, C.; Pöppelmann, K.; Busch, C.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conf. (EDUCON 2021), p.1-6
[Conference Proceedings]

Effects of Image Compression on Face Image Manipulation Detection: A Case Study on Facial Retouching
Rathgeb, C.; Bernardo, K.; Haryanto, N. E.; Busch, C.
IET Biometrics, Vol.10
[Journal Article]

Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation for Touchless Fingerprint Recognition
Priesnitz, J.; Rathgeb, C.; Buchmann, N.; Busch, C.
Proc. Intl. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (Workshops)
[Conference Proceedings]

Anomaly Detection with Convolutional Autoencoders for Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection
Kolberg, J.; Grimmer, M.; Gomez-Barrero, M.; Busch, C.
Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), Vol.3, p.190-202
[Journal Article]

An Overview of touchless 2D Fingerprint Recognition
Priesnitz, J.; Rathgeb, C.; Buchmann, N.; Busch, C.
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
[Journal Article]

Who Can Find My Devices? Security and Privacy of Apple’s Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking System
Heinrich, Alexander; Stute, Milan; Kornhuber, Tim; Hollick, Matthias
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, p.227-245
[Journal Article]

Language Support for Secure Software Development with Enclaves
Oak, Aditya; Ahmadian, Amir M.; Balliu, Musard; Salvaneschi, Guido
34th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2021)
[Conference Proceedings]

Privacy - Preserving Clustering
Keller, Hannah; Möllering, Helen; Schneider, Thomas; Yalame, Mohammad Hossein
crypto day matters : Beiträge vom 32. Kryptotag
[Conference Proceedings]

Disrupting Continuity of Apple's Wireless Ecosystem Security: New Tracking, DoS, and MitM Attacks on iOS and macOS Through Bluetooth Low Energy, AWDL, and Wi-Fi
Stute, Milan; Heinrich, Alexander; Lorenz, Jannik; Hollick, Matthias
30th USENIX Security Symposium
[Conference Proceedings]

DEMO: BTLEmap: Nmap for Bluetooth Low Energy
Heinrich, Alexander; Stute, Milan; Hollick, Matthias
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '20)
[Conference Proceedings]

BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signature
Cremers, Cas; Düzlü, Samed; Fiedler, Rune; Fischlin, Marc; Janson, Christian
42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
[Conference Proceedings]

Conversion from W to Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in the Rydberg-blockade regime of neutral-atom systems
Haase, Thorsten; Alber, Gernot; Stojanovic, Vladimir M.
Physical Review A
[Journal Article]

Generic Compiler for Publicly Verifiable Covert Multi-Party Computation
Faust, Sebastian; Hazay, Carmit; Kretzler, David; Schlosser, Benjamin
40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques (Eurocrypt 2021)
[Conference Proceedings]

Trusted Configuration in Cloud FPGAs
Zeitouni, Shaza; Vliegen, Jo; Frassetto, Tommaso; Koch, Dirk; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Mentens, Nele
29th IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines
[Conference Proceedings]

FLGUARD: Secure and Private Federated Learning
Nguyen, Thien Duc; Rieger, Phillip; Yalame, Mohammad Hossein; Möllering, Helen; Fereidooni, Hossein; Marchal, Samuel; Miettinen, Markus; Mirhoseini, Azalia; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Schneider, Thomas; Zeitouni, Shaza
[Journal Article, Report]

Data Protection in AI Services: A Survey
Meurisch, Christian; Mühlhäuser, Max
ACM Computing Surveys
[Journal Article]

Two-Party Adaptor Signatures From Identification Schemes
Erwig, Andreas; Faust, Sebastian; Hostáková, Kristina; Maitra, Monosij; Riahi, Siavash
24th International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography
[Conference Proceedings]

Bitcoin-Compatible Virtual Channels
Aumayr, Lukas; Ersoy, Oguzhan; Erwig, Andreas; Faust, Sebastian; Hostáková, Kristina; Maffei, Matteo; Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro; Riahi, Siavash
42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
[Conference Proceedings]

Scalable W-type entanglement resource in neutral-atom arrays with Rydberg-dressed resonant dipole-dipole interaction
Stojanovic, Vladimir M.
Physical Review A
[Journal Article]

Single-to-Multi-Theorem Transformations for Non-Interactive Statistical Zero-Knowledge
Fischlin, Marc; Rohrbach, Felix
Public-Key Cryptography - PKC 2021, p.205-234
[Conference Proceedings]

HERA: Hotpatching of Embedded Real-time Applications
Niesler, Christian; Surminski, Sebastian; Davi, Lucas
Proc. of 28th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2021)
[Conference Proceedings]

The Nudge Puzzle: Matching Nudge Interventions to Cybersecurity Decisions
Zimmermann, Verena; Renaud, Karen
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, p.7:1-7:45
[Journal Article]

ABY2.0: Improved Mixed-Protocol Secure Two-Party Computation
Patra, Arpita; Schneider, Thomas; Suresh, Ajith; Yalame, Mohammad Hossein
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), p.2165-2182
[Conference Proceedings]

All the Numbers are US: Large-scale Abuse of Contact Discovery in Mobile Messengers
Hagen, Christoph; Weinert, Christian; Sendner, Christoph; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Schneider, Thomas
28. Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'21)
[Conference Proceedings]