Cybersecurity for the energy sector

The energy sector is one of the most important critical infrastructures in any modern society. Successful attacks on energy infrastructure can bring an economy to a standstill and cause enormous damage.
Improving the cyber security of energy supply is therefore one of the most important and urgent tasks of applied cyber security research. ATHENE is developing new practical architectures for a more cyber resilient energy supply and new methods for detecting attacks at all levels of the energy sector, including solutions for smart home energy systems to protect against cyber attacks. ATHENE is also supporting energy utilities in the legally compliant implementation of NIS2.
Prinicipal Investigators
Projects assigned to the research area Energy
Cybersecurity Compliance in the Energy Sector (CybEnergy)
Real-time Automated Attack Isolation for Smart Home Energy Systems (HomePPSec)
Trustworthy Power Electronic Converters for the Secure Operation of Active Distribution Grids (TrustedPowerCon)