10:00 am – 05:00 pm

CAST Workshop: Law and IT Security: Digital Sovereignty - A Demand of Data Protection and Data Security?

Digital sovereignty is being called for by the European Commission, the German government and the state government of Hesse. This objective has met with a great deal of approval in the political debate. On the one hand, this is because the dependence on hardware and software from the USA and China and on services from global IT corporations means that there is a great need for self-determination in the use of information technology. Another reason is that the concept of digital sovereignty is not very clear-cut. It therefore makes sense to define more precisely what is to be understood by digital sovereignty from the perspective of data protection and IT security. Only then can it be determined to what extent digital sovereignty is possible, with what strategies and by what means it can be pursued, and whether the disadvantages that arise in the process should be accepted. The event will explore these questions from the perspectives of data protection and IT security.

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Cybersecurity Learning Lab: Digital Forensics for Internal Investigations (Advanced Course)

In the course of digitalization, cyber attacks on companies are increasing exponentially. The perpetrators are hackers and insiders from within their own organization, so the forensic investigation of an information security incident is important. In many cases, IT departments lack the know-how to conduct forensic investigations. In this seminar, forensics experts from Fraunhofer SIT teach suitable methods of IT forensics for data carriers and RAM. By means of practical exercises, the knowledge gained will be deepened in order to be able to conduct forensic examinations on one's own.

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Learning Lab Cybersecurity: Security and Privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy

The widespread use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and the lack of protection against attacks in the basic configuration make BLE a popular target for attacks.
Experts from Fraunhofer SIT will bring participants up to date on the security and privacy of Bluetooth Low Energy and provide an overview of published vulnerabilities in the BLE protocol and in specific implementations. The training is rounded off with a best practice for the design of BLE applications.

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Lernlabor Cybersicherheit: Eingebettete Sicherheitstechnik

The challenge: to methodically develop and implement cybersecurity for embedded systems.
Experts from Fraunhofer SIT will demonstrate a theoretical and practical development process for embedded systems. Participants learn to apply a systematic development methodology based on a concrete use case, as required e.g. in the automotive sector in SAE-J3061. Issues such as lightweight cryptography with suitable key management, hardware security concepts such as TPM 2.0 and the development of protocols are addressed.

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Certified Data Scientist Basic Level

Through the "Data Scientist Basic Level" training, you will acquire a broad range of knowledge that will enable you to work efficiently in data science teams. You will learn how business developers tap the potential of Big Data in their company, how data engineers describe and integrate data, how analysts recognize patterns and trends with machine learning methods, and how software engineers develop robust and scalable Big Data systems with modern databases and distributed calculation methods. All of this is done with data protection and security in mind. The training concludes with an exam to obtain the "Data Scientist Basic Level" certificate.

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Cybersecurity learning lab: text data analysis with NLP and machine learning

Forensics experts from Fraunhofer SIT teach methods of digital text data analysis, with a focus on computational linguistics (NLP) and machine learning (ML). This is because a large part of the information available worldwide is in texts. Crawling and then "mining" for relevant information in text is important for many applications. Recognizing the topics, "moods" or the writing style of an author is significant for forensic investigations of text files or chat histories on data carriers, or for evaluating news, company data, social media channels or opinion polls, among other things.

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Cybersecurity learning lab: Digital forensics for internal investigations with HMW

In the course of digitalization, cyber attacks on companies are increasing exponentially. The perpetrators are hackers and insiders from within their own organization, so the forensic investigation of an information security incident is important. In many cases, IT departments lack the know-how to conduct forensic investigations. In this seminar, researchers from Fraunhofer SIT teach suitable methods of IT forensics for data carriers and RAM in order to understand and apply them.

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T.I.S.P. Seminar in Darmstadt

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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Certified Data Scientist Basic Level

Through the "Data Scientist Basic Level" training, you will acquire a broad range of knowledge that will enable you to work efficiently in data science teams. You will learn how business developers tap the potential of Big Data in their company, how data engineers describe and integrate data, how analysts recognize patterns and trends with machine learning methods, and how software engineers develop robust and scalable Big Data systems with modern databases and distributed calculation methods. All of this is done with data protection and security in mind. The training concludes with an exam to obtain the "Data Scientist Basic Level" certificate.

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09:00 am – 01:00 pm

Cybersecurity learning lab: fact check for visuals in 4 hours

Manipulated digital photos or videos can provide false leads in investigative proceedings. And they can manipulate public opinion as "fake news. This is because image material can easily be falsified using editing software. And it can also be misleading if used unchanged but in a different context. Researchers at Fraunhofer SIT are teaching methods of verifying the authenticity or fact checking of image material in two seminars of varying duration and technical depth. This is shorter of the two seminars (duration 4 hours on one day).

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