10:00 am – 05:00 pm

CAST Workshop: hot topic "AI and IT Security"

Take the opportunity for an update on the latest developments in security and AI and ask your questions to experts. This workshop looks at the topic of "AI and IT security" from two different angles: On the one hand, it is about the technical safeguarding of algorithms, on the other hand, the human factor in the development and use of an AI system is included under the aspect of IT security.

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Cybersecurity Learning Lab: Introduction to Disk Forensics

The clarification of IT security incidents is one of the tasks of IT security, IT operations or compliance officers in companies. Often, evidence for this can be found on data carriers in workplace PCs or servers. In this seminar, researchers from Fraunhofer SIT provide an overview of suitable methods of IT forensics for data carriers.

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11:00 am – 04:15 pm

CAST Promotion Award IT Security 2022

CAST e.V. has been supporting young IT security talent in Germany for years with its award. In 2022, the best graduates and their theses will again be invited.

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T.I.S.P. Seminar in Darmstadt

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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10:00 am – 04:30 pm

CAST-Workshop: eIDAS & Digitales Vertrauen

Kommunale und wirtschaftliche Vertreter*innen sowie alle wichtigen Player aus dem Bereich der Vertrauensdienste treffen sich bei diesem Workshop zum virtuellen Austausch und diskutieren über Vorteile und vielfältigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der elektronischen Vertrauensdienste - auch im Kontext der zukünftigen eIDAS 2.0 - hervorzuheben.

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T.I.S.P. Seminar in Darmstadt

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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10:00 am – 04:00 pm

CAST-Workshop: eIDAS & Digitales Vertrauen

The Corona pandemic has highlighted the importance of digitization in a wide range of areas of society. The eIDAS Regulation creates the legal framework required for this and, as a building block of the EU's Digital Agenda, strengthens trust in electronic transactions. The eIDAS electronic trust services enable the digital implementation of analog processes for companies and public administration. In the workshop, the advantages and various possible uses of electronic trust services - also in the context of the future eIDAS 2.0 - will be elaborated.

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10:00 am – 05:00 pm

CAST-Workshop: Forensics and Cybercrime

The CAST workshop 'Forensics and Cybercrime' 2021 takes into account current trends and developments in these subject areas, which are not absent even in times of the COVID-19 pandemic and pose challenges to business and law enforcement alike.

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