

Keep up-to-date on our research in cybersecurity and do not miss any news on IT security.
ATHENE on twitter

ATHENE-StartUpSecure has its own Twitter channel. Here we keep you informed on the cybersecurity founding scene in general and our activities in particular.
ATHENE-StartUpSecure on Twitter


Through our LinkedIn channel we provide information about career opportunities in Darmstadt cybersecurity research and maintain contacts with the worldwide cybersecurity community. Become part of this cybersecurity community.

Network with ATHENE on LinkedIn

With its own LinkedIn site, StartUpSecure offers those interested in founding a company in the field of cyber security a platform for exchange, networking and more.

Network with StartUp Secure on LinkedIn



Explanatory videos on our research, recordings of our events and visually prepared information on ATHENE and our ecosystem can be found on our YouTube channel.

ATHENE on YouTube


ATHENE-StartUpSecure has its own facebook presence. Learn about the cybersecurity startup scene, get tips on how to turn your ideas into market-ready products and services that increase cybersecurity, and learn about events that you can use to address us directly.
ATHENE-StartUpSecure on facebook