Secure Urban Infrastructures (SecUrban)
Secure information and communication systems for the Smart City

The Smart City concept aims to make cities more efficient, technologically more progressive and intelligent. Complex IT infrastructures and sensory webs deployed in a city can help protect resources and improve its citizens’ quality of life. In order for a Smart City to operate successfully, it needs information and communication systems (ICT) that are reliable and well equipped against cyber-attacks.
In close cooperation, ATHENE and Digitalstadt Darmstadt are developing sustainable concepts that ensure reliable implementations for the infrastructure and the applications. Beyond that, ATHENE develops guidelines for the prevention, detection and reaction of and to incidents, for instance by assisting those in charge at the local level.
Prinicipal Investigators
Projects assigned to the research area Secure Urban Infrastructures (SecUrban)
Security of Fiber-Optic Critical Infrastructures (SecFOCI)
Security and Privacy of Location Systems in Urban Environments (SPLocS)
01/2020–12/2024Architecture and Processes for Effective Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection in Smart Cities (SecArch)
01/2020–12/2023Integrating Safety and Security Aspects in Secure Urban Infrastructures (SaSec)
01/2020–12/2023Secure Urban Mesh Networks (Smesh)
01/2020–12/2023Security Modelling and Simulation of Secure Urban Infrastructures (SeMS)
01/2020–12/2023Security of Urban Infrastructures Against Cyberattacks (SecAttack)
07/2019–12/2022Situation Awareness for Smart Cities (SiAware)