von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

Multimedia Forensics: a Game Theoretic Approach

Multimedia forensics (MF) is a new discipline aiming at collecting evidence about the past history of multimedia documents, including the identification of the source of the document, the distinction between computer generated and natural images, the detection of traces left by the application of certain processing tools like resampling or JPEG compression, the modification of the semantic content of the document through cut and paste or copy-move operations.

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

Privacy in the Tomorrow's Internet

The Internet has undergone dramatic changes in the last two decades, evolving from a mere communication network to a global multimedia platform in which billions of users not only actively exchange information, but increasingly conduct sizable parts of their daily lives.

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

Frontiers of Usable Security – Developers, Administrators and Systems Security

Many aspects of information security combine technical and human factors. If a highly secure system is unusable, users will try to circumvent the system or migrate entirely to less secure but more usable systems. Problems with usability are a major contributor to many recent high-profile security failures.

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

A Systematic Approach to Cybersecurity: Models, Assumptions, Proofs

The Talk asks to what extend the cryptographic methodology of “provable security”  can be extended to IT security.

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

"Six Years of Mobile Smartphone Security"

The explosion of smart phones as a vehicle for enterprise and personal computing heightens concerns about security and privacy.  Many studies have shown that applications can work against the user's best interests and house new forms of malware. 

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

"Computing on Encrypted Data"

In the last couple of years amazing advances have been made on techniques to perform computation on encrypted data. Some of the techniques are even becoming practical.

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

Implicit authentication via biometrics: usability triumph or privacy nightmare?

A study sponsored by the US National Institute of Standards last year found that regular computer users suffer from Authentication Fatigue, and re-organize their work to reduce the burden caused by explicit authentication (where they user is challenged to provide credentials).

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

Web Security in the Real World

Web security depends heavily on a large Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). However, the design of this PKI does not match the theoretical structure of an ideal one.  This leads to user confusion and potential security holes. We also describe the major repair proposals, DANE and Certificate Transparency, and show their limitations.  We conclude by discussing the attributes of a good solution.

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Intel's Security Architecture Vision

Intel has developed a vision for improving platform security that involves capabilities in hardware that can be used by platform manufacturers and software vendors to improve protections for the users.

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von 16:15–17:15 Uhr

A thorough analysis of the arbiter PUF promise

The general concept of Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) has been nowadays widely accepted and adopted to meet the requirements of secure identification and key generation/storage for cryptographic ciphers.

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