Current State of Digital Twins in the Maritime Sector
Lünsdorf, Kai Gerrit; Wrede, Helge; Schmidt, Felix; Bauer, Kristine; Lukas, Uwe Freiherr von
[Journal Article]
Depth-guided Robust Face Morphing Attack Detection
Rachalwar, Harsh; Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Das, Abhijit
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
Sclera Segmentation and Joint Recognition Benchmarking Competition: SSRBC 2023
Das, Abhijit; Atreya, Saurabh; Mukherjee, Aritra; Vitek, Matej; Haiqing, Li; Wang, Caiyong; Zhao, Guangzhe; Boutros, Fadi; Siebke, Patrick; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Damer, Naser; Sun, Ye; Lu, Hexin; Aobo, Fan; Sheng, You; Nathan , Sabari; Suganya, R.; Rampriya, R.S.; Sharma, Geetanjali; Priyanka, P.; Nigam, Aditya; Peer, Peter; Pal, Umapada; Štruc, Vitomir
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
How Colorful Should Faces Be? Harmonizing Color and Model Quantization for Resource-restricted Face Recognition
Kolf, Jan Niklas; Elliesen, Jurek; Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
Liveness Detection Competition - Noncontact-based Fingerprint Algorithms and Systems (LivDet-2023 Noncontact Fingerprint)
Purnapatra, Sandip; Rezaie, Humaira; Jawade, Bhavin; Liu, Yu; Pan, Yue; Brosell, Luke; Sumi, Mst Rumana; Igene, Lambert; Dimarco, Alden; Setlur, Srirangaraj; Dey, Soumyabrata; Schuckers, Stephanie; Huber, Marco; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Adami, Banafsheh; Chitic, Raul; Seelert, Karsten; Mistry, Vishesh; Parthe, Rahul; Kacar, Umit
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
ExFaceGAN: Exploring Identity Directions in GAN’s Learned Latent Space for Synthetic Identity Generation
Boutros, Fadi; Klemt, Marcel; Fang, Meiling; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
COLFIPAD: A Presentation Attack Detection Benchmark for Contactless Fingerprint Recognition
Priesnitz, Jannis; Kolberg, Jascha; Fang, Meiling; Madhu, Akhila; Rathgeb, Christian; Damer, Naser; Busch, Christoph
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
Iris Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet-Iris) - The 2023 Edition
Tinsley, Patrick; Purnapatra, Sandip; Mitcheff, Mahsa; Boyd, Aidan; Crum, Colton; Bowyer, Kevin; Flynn, Patrick; Schuckers, Stephanie; Czajka, Adam; Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Liu, Xingyu; Wang, Caiyong; Sun, Xianyun; Chang, Zhaohua; Li, Xinyue; Zhao, Guangzhe; Tapia, Juan; Busch, Christoph; Aravena, Carlos; Schulz, Daniel
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2023
[Conference Paper]
ROBBE - Robotergestützte Bearbeitung von Baugruppen beim Rückbau von Kernkraftwerken
Santos, Pedro; Knuth, Martin; Ritz, Martin; Recknagel, Jörg; Steinbacher, Klaus; Fellner, Dieter; Wassmann, Burkhard
Internationales Symposium "Konditionierung Radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle" 2023
[Conference Paper]
One-to-many Reconstruction of 3D Geometry of cultural Artifacts using a synthetically trained Generative Model
Pöllabauer, Thomas; Kühn, Julius; Li, Jiayi; Kuijper, Arjan
Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2023
[Conference Paper]
Predicting Forage Provision of Grasslands Across Climate Zones by Hyperspectral Measurements
Männer, Florian; Muro, J.; Ferner, J.; Schmidtlein, S.; Linstädter, A.
International Grassland Congress 2023
[Conference Paper]
BIOSIG 2023, 22nd International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group. Proceedings
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Special Interest Group Biometrics (BIOSIG International Conference) 2023
[Conference Proceeding]
IEEE BigData 2023 Keystroke Verification Challenge (KVC)
Stragapede, Giuseppe; Vera-Rodriguez, Ruben; Tolosana, Ruben; Morales , Aythami; DeAndres-Tame, Ivan; Damer, Naser; Fierrez, Julian; Garcia, Javier-Ortega; Gonzalez, Nahuel; Shadrikov, Andrei; Gordin, Dmitrii; Schmitt, Leon; Wimmer, Daniel; Großmann, Christoph; Krieger, Joerdis; Heinz, Florian; Krestel, Ron; Mayer, Christoffer; Haberl, Simon; Gschrey, Helena; Yamagishi, Yosuke; Saha, Sanjay; Rasnayaka, Sanka; Wickramanayake, Sandareka; Sim, Terence; Gutfeter, Weronika; Baran, Adam; Krzysztón, Mateusz; Jaskóła, Przemysław
International Conference on Big Data 2023
[Conference Paper]
Enabling Interoperability of Urban Building Energy Data Based on OGC API Standards and Citygml 3D City Models
Santhanavanich, Thunyathep; Padsala, R.; Rossknecht, Maxim; Dabirian, S.; Saad, M.M.; Eicker, U.; Coors, V.
Geospatial Week 2023
[Conference Paper]
Visual Detection of Short-Wave Blood Pressure Fluctuations
Bieber, Gerald; Schmidt, Angelina Clara; Kraft, Dimitri; Fellmann, Michael
International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments 2023
[Conference Paper]
IDiff-Face: Synthetic-based Face Recognition through Fizzy Identity-Conditioned Diffusion Models
Boutros, Fadi; Grebe, Jonas Henry; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
International Conference on Computer Vision 2023
[Conference Paper]
Utility Prediction Performance of Finger Image Quality Assessment Software
Henniger, Olaf
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Special Interest Group Biometrics (BIOSIG International Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]
End-to-End Premature Ventricular Contraction Detection Using Deep Neural Networks
Kraft, Dimitri; Bieber, Gerald; Jokisch, Peter; Rumm, Peter
[Journal Article]
Aehnelt, Mario; Fellmann, Michael; Kirste, Thomas
Interactive Exercises for Computer-based Work Using a Webcam
Schmidt, Angelina Clara; Shahid, Hassan; Kraft, Dimitri; Bieber, Gerald; Fellmann, Michael
international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2023
[Conference Paper]
Survey on Food Intake Methods using Visual Technologies
Dubey, Sudhir Kumar; Kraft, Dimitri; Drüeke, Nicola Marlene; Bieber, Gerald
international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2023
[Conference Paper]
Making Noise - Improving Seismocardiography Based Heart Analysis with Denoising Autoencoders
Burian, Jonas; Tödtmann, Helmut; Haescher, Marian; Aehnelt, Mario; Kuijper, Arjan
international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2023
[Conference Paper]
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
Schmidt, Angelina; Kraft, Dimitri; Lambusch, Fabienne; Fellmann, Michael
International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies 2023
[Conference Paper]
Demo: Cohort Visualization and Analysis of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Sessler, David; Ahmad, Salmah; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare 2023
[Conference Paper]
Portrait2Bust: DualStyleGAN-based portrait image stylization based on bust sculpture images
Sinha, Saptarshi Neil; Weinmann, Michael
Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2023
[Conference Paper]
Towards medhub: A Self-Service Platform for Analysts and Physicians
Höhn, Markus; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Burmeister, Jan; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare 2023
[Conference Paper]
Potentiale und Chancen des Digitalen Zwillings im Aftersales-Service für den Schiffbau und Schiffsbetrieb
Bauer, Kristine; Dübel, Steve; Martius, Christoph Georg Rudolf; Novikova, Anastasiia; Petersen, Arne; Schmelzer, Philipp; Vahl, Matthias; Weinreich, Sebastian; Wrede, Helge; Zacharias, Miriam
Of Plants and Pixels: Leveraging Biological Priors for Ecological Data Analysis When Generic Methods Fall Short
Gillert, Alexander
Towards medhub: A Self-Service Platform for Analysts and Physicians
Höhn, Markus; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Burmeister, Jan; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare 2023
Verfahren und System zur Personenverifikation in Porträtgemälden und Computerprogrammprodukt
Terhörst, Philipp; Huber, Marco; Damer, Naser