Sustainable Blue Economy - Transformation, Value and the Potential of Marine Ecosystems
Biber, Antje; Knodt, Steffen; Visbeck, Martin
Sustainable Blue Economy - Transformation, Wert und Potential der marinen Wirtschafts- und Ökosysteme
Biber, Antje; Knodt, Steffen; Visbeck, Martin
Visual Analytics for Urban Data Analysis
Burmeister, Jan; Liao, Jilin; Yang, Jieqing; Wei, Qingtian; Wang, Kexin
IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST Challenge Workshop) 2022
Processing of botnet tracking data under the GDPR
Böck, Leon; Fejrskov, Martin; Demetzou, Katerina; Karuppayah, Shankar; Mühlhäuser, Max; Vasilomanolakis, Emmanouil
Computer law & security review
[Journal Article]
Is Our Ability to Detect Errors an Indicator of Mind Wandering? An Experiment Proposal
Conrad, Colin D.; Klesel, Michael; Mayhew, Kydra; O’Neil, Kiera; Oschinsky, Frederike Marie; Usai, Francesco
Conference "NeuroIS Retreat" 2022
[Conference Paper]
Don’t Reject This: Key-Recovery Timing Attacks Due to Rejection-Sampling in HQC and BIKE
Guo, Qian; Hlauschek, Clemens; Johansson, Thomas; Lahr, Norman; Nilsson, Alexander; Schröder, Robin Leander
[Journal Article]
Complete and Improved FPGA Implementation of Classic McEliece
Chen, Pojen; Chou, Tung; Deshpande, Sanjay; Lahr, Norman; Niederhagen, Ruben; Szefer, Jakub M.; Wang, Wen
[Journal Article]
An AR User Interface for the Evaluation of Visuospatial Abilities
Imenkamp, Charlotte; Hanert, Annika; Schönfeld, Robby; Bartsch, Thorsten; Woelk, Felix
Konferenz "Mensch und Computer" 2022
[Conference Paper]
Integrating Stand-Alone New Media Technologies Such as Games and Virtual and Augmented Reality Software into Learning Management Systems
Horst, Robin; Naraghi-Taghi-Off, Ramtin; Dörner, Ralf
International Conference on Education and E-Learning 2022
[Conference Paper]
Camera-based Blink Detection using 3D-Landmarks
Kraft, Dimitri; Hartmann, Frederik; Bieber, Gerald
International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2022
[Conference Paper]
Does my Glucose Level Tell how Energetic I Feel?
Lambusch, Fabienne; Knoblich, Jannik; Weigelt, Oliver; Kraft, Dimitri; Fellmann, Michael; Bieber, Gerald
International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2022
[Conference Paper]
VirTEE: a full backward-compatible TEE with native live migration and secure I/O
Wang, Jianqiang; Mahmoody, Pouya; Brasser, Ferdinand; Jauernig, Patrick; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Yu, Donghui; Pan, Dahan; Zhang, Yuanyuan
DAC'22: Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, p.241-246
[Conference Proceedings]
Trusting the trust anchor: towards detecting cross-layer vulnerabilities with hardware fuzzing
Chen, Chen; Kande, Rahul; Mahmoody, Pouya; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Rajendran, JV
DAC'22: Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, p.1379-1383
[Conference Proceedings]
Digitale Beteiligung in der städtischen Mobilitätsplanung
Lortz, Marie; Stahl, Jana; Ritter, Luisa; Iovine, Ivan; Abb, Benjamin; Klien, Eva; Linke, Hans-Joachim; Knodt, Michèle
[Journal Article]
Reducing Deployment Cost for Passive Electric Field Sensors
Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Kuijper, Arjan
International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2022
[Conference Paper]
PEA: Practical private epistasis analysis using MPC
Hamacher, Kay; Kussel, Tobias; Schneider, Thomas; Tkachenko, Oleksandr
Computer Security - ESORICS 2022, p.320-339
[Conference Proceedings]
POSTER: MPClan: Protocol suite for privacy-conscious computations
Kotila, Nishat; Patil, Shravani; Patra, Arpita; Suresh, Ajith
CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.3379-3381
[Conference Proceedings]
Poster: Privacy-Preserving Epidemiological Modeling on Mobile Graphs
Günther, Daniel; Holz, Marco; Judkewitz, Benjamin; Möllering, Helen; Pinkas, Benny; Schneider, Thomas; Suresh, Ajith
CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.3351-3353
[Conference Proceedings]
Poster: Efficient Three-Party Shuffling Using Precomputation
Brüggemann, Andreas; Schneider, Thomas; Suresh, Ajith; Yalame, Hossein
CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.3331-3333
[Conference Proceedings]
Towards the Gamification of VR Authoring Environments
Horst, Robin; Schmitt, Marcel; Leipe, Andreas; Naraghi-Taghi-Off, Ramtin; Dörner, Ralf
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence 2022
[Conference Paper]
Optimizing multicast flows in high-bandwidth reconfigurable datacenter networks
Luo, L.; Foerster, K.T.; Schmid, Stefan; Yu, H.
[Journal Article]
Stating Comparison Score Uncertainty and Verification Decision Confidence Towards Transparent Face Recognition
Huber, Marco; Terhörst, Philipp; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
British Machine Vision Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]
Effect of Polarization on RGB Imaging and Color Accuracy/Fidelity
Abu Haila, Tarek; Tausch, Reimar; Ritz, Martin; Santos, Pedro; Fellner, Dieter
Color and Imaging Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]
A Data-Driven Platform for the Coordination of Independent Visual Analytics Tools
Nonnemann, L.; Hogräfer, M.; Röhlig, M.; Schumann, H.; Urban, Bodo; Schulz, H.J.
[Journal Article]
Terrorbekämpfung mithilfe sozialer Medien –
ein explorativer Einblick am Beispiel von Twitter
Reuter, Christian; Pätsch, Katja; Runft, Elena
Proceedings der 13. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), p.649-663
[Conference Proceedings]
On the (Limited) Generalization of MasterFace Attacks and its Relation to the Capacity of Face Representations
Terhörst, Philipp; Bierbaum, Florian; Huber, Marco; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Raja, Kiran; Kuijper, Arjan
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]
OCFR 2022: Competition on Occluded Face Recognition from Synthetically Generated Structure-Aware Occlusions
Neto, Pedro C.; Boutros, Fadi; Pinto, Joao Ribeiro; Damer, Naser; Sequeira, Ana F.; Bengherabi, Messaoud; Cardoso, Jaime S.; Bousnat, Abderaouf; Boucheta, Sana; Hebbadj, Nesrine; Erakin, Mustafa Ekrem; Demir, Ugur; Vidal, Pedro Beber De Queiroz; Menotti, David; Ekenel, Hazim Kemal
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]
SYN-MAD 2022: Competition on Face Morphing Attack Detection Based on Privacy-aware Synthetic Training Data
Huber, Marco; Boutros, Fadi; Luu, Anh Thi; Kiran, Raja; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Damer, Naser; Neto, Pedro C.; Goncalves, Tiago J.; Sequeira, Ana F.; Cardoso, Jaime S.; Tremoco, Joao; Lourenco, Miguel; Serra, Sergio; Cermeno, Eduardo; Ivanovska, Marija; Batagelj, Borut; Kronovšek, Andrej; Peer, Peter; Štruc, Vitomir
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]
Lightweight Periocular Recognition through Low-bit Quantization
Kolf, Jan Niklas; Boutros, Fadi; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]
How Long Do Vulnerabilities Live in the Code? A Large-Scale Empirical Measurement Study on FOSS Vulnerability Lifetimes
Alexopoulos, Nikolaos; Brack, Manuel; Wagner, Jan Philipp; Grube, Tim; Mühlhäuser, Max
Proceedings of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium, p.359-376
[Conference Proceedings]