
Analysis of Security and Cryptographic Approaches to Provide Secret and Verifiable Electronic Voting

AutorNeumann, Stephan; Budurushi, Jurlind; Volkamer, Melanie
AbstraktElectronic voting systems are inextricably bound to security and cryptographic techniques. Over the last decades, countless techniques have been proposed to face the dangers of electronic voting systems with mathematical precision. Certainly, the majority of these works address secrecy and verifiability. In this chapter, security and cryptographic techniques are analyzed with respect to those security properties that can be evaluated on the basis of these techniques: secrecy, fairness, integrity, and verifiability. Furthermore, the chapter discusses their adequacy to ensure further relevant properties like eligibility and uniqueness, and evaluates security and cryptographic techniques with respect to the costs that come along with their real-world application. The authors conclude the chapter with a summary of the evaluation results, which can serve as guideline for decision-makers.
SerieDesign, Development, and Use of Secure Electronic Voting Systems
PublisherIGI Global