
Integrating Stand-Alone New Media Technologies Such as Games and Virtual and Augmented Reality Software into Learning Management Systems

AutorHorst, Robin; Naraghi-Taghi-Off, Ramtin; Dörner, Ralf
ArtConference Paper
AbstraktBoth learning management systems (LMSs) and new media technologies (NMTs, e.g., Augmented/Virtual Reality software or Serious Games) can enhance teaching and learning, however, the integration of both technologies within an E-Learning system is challenging. NMTs are often developed as bulky stand-alone applications, for example, using game engines, which make them difficult to integrate into the LMS courses. Thus, connecting middleware technologies are needed, however, various technologies exist. In this paper, we introduce three techniques (SCORM-Data, xAPI-Injection, and JSON-REST) that integrate stand-alone NMT learning software into LMSs based on existing technologies and standards from the E-Learning domain. We discuss the techniques and their underlying processes based on a prototype implementation and the results of an expert interview and point out the advantages and disadvantages of each technique to give practitioners differentiated advice on which technique to use. Although SCORM-Data has fewer technical requirements, we conclude that our JSON-REST technique was favored through applicability, simplicity, ease of integration, and efficiency.
KonferenzInternational Conference on Education and E-Learning 2022
ProjektKooperative Rekrutierungs- und Qualifizierungslinien, Vorhaben RheinMain