
EAB virtual events series – Workshop on Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection

29. – 30. April 2021

Ort: online

Die European Association for Biometrics (EAB) organisiert in Kooperation mit der Hochschule Ansbach and Hochschule Darmstadt den Workshop Workshop on Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection. ATHENE-Wissenschaftler Prof. Christoph Busch ist einer der Mitglieder des Supervisory Boards.

Weitere Informationen auf Englisch:

The use of biometrics, and in particular the use of fingerprint recognition, is increasing day by day. Not only are we required (in European countries) to capture our fingerprints in order to obtain a passport, but we use them on a daily basis for other tasks such as unlocking our smartphones or confirming a bank transaction or payment.

In spite of the numerous benefits of utilising fingerprint recognition, some drawbacks come with this technology: one does not need to be a tech expert to carry out a presentation attack that may fool a system into believing you are someone else. Unattended capture devices need to have a Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) subsystem, to prevent such attacks.

The European Association for Biometrics (EAB), Hochschule Ansbach and Hochschule Darmstadt are organising a workshop on “Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection” on April 29 and April 30, 2021.

The workshop raises awareness about this issue and about the current efforts of the biometric community in order to minimise the impact of such attacks.

Visit the EAB website for more information and registration

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