The Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme qTESLA
Alkim, Erdem; Barreto, Paulo S. L. M.; Bindel, Nina; Krämer, Juliane; Longa, Patrick; Ricardini, Jefferson E.
18th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
Encryption Schemes using Random Oracles: from Classical to Post-Quantum Security
Krämer, Juliane; Struck, Patrick
11th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
TeeRex: Discovery and Exploitation of Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities in SGX Enclaves
Cloosters, Tobias; Rodler, Michael; Davi, Lucas
29th USENIX Security Symposium
[Conference Proceedings]
Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Encryption from Leakage-Resilient Pseudorandom Functions
Krämer, Juliane; Struck, Patrick
11th International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design(COSADE 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
On the Security of Strong Memristor-based Physically Unclonable Functions
Zeitouni, Shaza; Stapf, Emmanuel; Fereidooni, Hossein; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Design Automation Conference 2020
[Conference Proceedings]
SAFE: A Secure and Efficient Long-Term Distributed Storage System
Buchmann, Johannes; Dessouky, Ghada; Frassetto, Tommaso; Kiss, Ágnes; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Schneider, Thomas; Traverso, Giulia; Zeitouni, Shaza
8th International Workshop on Security in Blockchain and Cloud Computing (SBC'20)
[Conference Proceedings]
Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning-based IoT Intrusion Detection System
Nguyen, Thien Duc; Rieger, Phillip; Miettinen, Markus; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Workshop on Decentralized IoT Systems and Security (DISS) @ NDSS Symposium 2020
[Conference Proceedings]
BLAZE: Practical Lattice-Based Blind Signatures for Privacy-Preserving Applications
Alkeilani Alkadri, Nabil; Bansarkhani, Rachid El; Buchmann, Johannes
24th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC'20)
[Conference Proceedings]
Offline Model Guard: Secure and Private ML on Mobile Devices
Bayerl, Sebastian P.; Frassetto, Tommaso; Jauernig, Patrick; Riedhammer, Korbinian; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Schneider, Thomas; Stapf, Emmanuel; Weinert, Christian
23. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE '20)
[Conference Proceedings]
HybCache: Hybrid Side-Channel-Resilient Caches for Trusted Execution Environments
Dessouky, Ghada; Frassetto, Tommaso; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
USENIX Security
[Conference Proceedings]
To (Psychologically) Own Data is to Protect Data: How Psychological Ownership Determines Protective Behavior in a Work and Private Context
Heidt, Margareta; Olt, Christian M.; Buxmann, Peter
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik
[Conference Proceedings]
HEALED: HEaling & Attestation for Low-end
Embedded Devices
Ibrahim, Ahmad; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Tsudik, Gene
23rd International Conference Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2019), 2019
[Conference Proceedings]
Asymmetric DCnets for Effective and Efficient Sender Anonymity
Grube, Tim; Daubert, Jörg; Mühlhäuser, Max
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
[Conference Proceedings]
DoubleEcho: Mitigating Context-Manipulation Attacks in Copresence Verification
Truong, Hien Thi Thu; Toivonen, Juhani; Nguyen, Thien Duc; Soriente, Claudio; Tarkoma, Sasu; Asokan, N.
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom2019)
[Conference Proceedings]
On (The Lack Of) Location Privacy in Crowdsourcing Applications
Boukoros, Spyros; Humbert, Mathias; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Troncoso, Carmela
USENIX Security Symposium
[Conference Proceedings]
I (Don't) See What You Typed There! Shoulder-surfing Resistant Password Entry on Gamepads
Mayer, Peter; Gerber, Nina; Reinheimer, Benjamin; Rack, Philipp; Braun, Kristoffer; Volkamer, Melanie
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p.1-12
[Conference Proceedings]
On the Simulation of Smart Grid Environments
Egert, Rolf; Tundis, Andrea; Mühlhäuser, Max
SummerSim '19: Proceedings of the 2019 Summer Simulation Conference
[Conference Proceedings]
LARA - A Design Concept for Lattice-based Encryption
Bansarkhani, Rachid El
FC 2019: 23rd International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security
[Conference Proceedings]
Science peace security ‘19: Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Research
Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Research
[Conference Proceedings]
Automated Refactoring to Reactive Programming
Köhler, Mirco; Salvaneschi, Guido
[Conference Proceedings]
Post-Quantum Cryptography in Embedded Systems
Krämer, Juliane; Marzougui, Soundes
ARES '19: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
[Conference Proceedings]
Can an online service predict gender?: on the state-of-the-art in gender identification from texts
Krüger, Stefan; Hermann, Ben
GE@ICSE 2019 : 2nd Workshop on Gender Equality in Software Engineering
[Conference Proceedings]
Poster: Framework for Semi-private Function Evaluation with Application to Secure Insurance Rate Calculation
Günther, Daniel; Kiss, Ágnes; Scheidel, Lukas; Schneider, Thomas
CCS '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.2541-2543
[Conference Proceedings]
Simple Refreshing in the Noisy Leakage Model
Dziembowski, Stefan; Faust, Sebastian; Zebrowski, Karol
The 25th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
[Conference Proceedings]
Secure and Private Function Evaluation with Intel SGX
Felsen, Susanne; Kiss, Ágnes; Schneider, Thomas; Weinert, Christian
CCSW 2019 - The ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop
[Conference Proceedings]
A Formal Treatment of Deterministic Wallets
Das, Poulami; Faust, Sebastian; Loss, Julian
ACM CCS 2019 - Symposium on Computer and Communications Security
[Conference Proceedings]
DR.SGX: Automated and Adjustable Side-Channel Protection for SGX using Data Location Randomization
Brasser, Ferdinand; Capkun, Srdjan; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Frassetto, Tommaso; Kostiainen, Kari; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
ACSAC '19: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, p.788-800
[Conference Proceedings]
Efficiently Stealing your Machine Learning Models
Reith, Robert Nikolai; Schneider, Thomas; Tkachenko, Oleksandr
Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society
[Conference Proceedings]
Sponges Resist Leakage: The Case of Authenticated Encryption
Degabriele, Jean Paul; Janson, Christian; Struck, Patrick
25th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
[Conference Proceedings]
Bluemergency: Mediating Post-disaster Communication Systems using the Internet of Things and Bluetooth Mesh
Álvarez, Flor; Almon, Lars; Radtki, Hauke; Hollick, Matthias
9th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2019)
[Conference Proceedings]