Our Team
for you Startups

A sympathetic ear for all startup issues

We are the ATHENE team for all questions and concerns of founders. Our team is agile and broadly positioned with different competences. You will be advised and accompanied by Carlina Bennison, Clara Pfeuffer and Dr. Nihal Wahl.

For general questions, please contact us by Mail, or for questions about the Digital Hub Cybersecurity or StartUpSecure Incubator, please contact the respective contact persons directly.

The technical advisor is Dr. Michael Kreutzer. The StartUpSecure I ATHENE incubator is managed by Prof. Michael Waidner and Prof. Peter Buxmann, the ATHENE Digital Hub Cybersecurity by Oliver Küch (interim).

StartUpSecure I ATHENE

Carlina Bennison
TU Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 6151 16-24 322

ATHENE Digital Hub and Startups

Clara Pfeuffer
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-133

StartUpSecure I ATHENE

Dr. Nihal Wahl
TU Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 6151 16-24 637

StartUpSecure I ATHENE

Lisa Kammholz
TU Darmstadt
+49 6151 16-24 320