
NoPhish: An Anti-Phishing Education App

AutorCanova, Gamze; Volkamer, Melanie; Bergmann, Clemens; Borza, Roland
ArtConference Proceedings
AbstraktPhishing is still a prevalent issue in today’s Internet. It can have financial or personal consequences. Attacks continue to become more and more sophisticated and the advanced ones (including spear phishing) can only be detected if people carefully check URLs. We developed a game based smartphone app NoPhish to educate people in accessing, parsing and checking URLs; i.e. enabling them to distinguish trustworthy and non-trustworthy websites. Throughout several levels information is provided and phishing detection is exercised.
SerieLecture Notes in Computer Science
In10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management in conjunction with ESORICS 2014, p.188-192
PublisherSpringer International Publishing