
Promoting secure Email communication and authentication

AutorZimmermann, Verena; Henhapl, Birgit; Gerber, Nina; Enzmann, Matthias
ArtConference Proceedings
AbstraktNowadays, the possibility to communicate securely is crucial for users in the private as well as in the business context. However, to do so they have to face problems regarding mismatching mental models of encryption and bad usability not only concerning the encryption, but also the authentication process. To solve this problem, we evaluate users perception on encryption and authentication schemes in order to (1) derive a process, which is more in line with their expectations and (2) use authentication schemes which provide security but also achieve a high acceptance rate from users. We plan to integrate our findings into a prototypical software in order to evaluate users acceptance for our technical approach.
InMensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband: Spielend einfach integrieren, p.269-277
PublisherGesellschaft für Informatik