

QuantFace: Towards Lightweight Face Recognition by Synthetic Data Low-bit Quantization
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2022
[Conference Paper]

ElasticFace: Elastic Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022

Acquisition of EFS and Capacitive Measurement Data on Low-Power and Connected IoT Devices
Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Lenhart, Malte; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS) 2020
[Conference Paper]

Supporting Domain Characterization in Visualization Design Studies with the Critical Decision Method
Cibulski, Lena; Dimara, Evanthia; Hermawati, Setia; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visualization Guidelines in Research, Design, and Education 2022

Reconstructing Bounding Volume Hierarchies from Memory Traces of Ray Tracers
Buelow, Max von; Stensbeck, Tobias; Knauthe, Volker; Guthe, Stefan; Fellner, Dieter
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2022
[Conference Paper]

Neural Networks for Indoor Localization based on Electric Field Sensing
Kirchbuchner, Florian; Andres, Moritz; Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Kuijper, Arjan
International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications 2022
[Conference Paper]

Performance Comparison of E-Textile Electrode Properties in a Capacitive Proximity Sensing Setting
Faquiri, Silvia; Kuijper, Arjan
International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments 2022
[Conference Paper]

SEC-Learn: Sensor Edge Cloud for Federated Learning
Aichroth, Patrick; Antes, Christoph; Gembaczka, Pierre; Graf, Holger; Johnson, David S.; Jung, Matthias; Kämpfe, Thomas; Kleinberger, Thomas; Köllmer, Thomas; Kuhn, Thomas; Kutter, Christoph; Krüger, Jens; Loroch, Dominik M.; Lukashevich, Hanna; Laleni, Nelli; Zhang, Lei; Leugering, Johannes; Martín Fernández, Rodrigo; Mateu, Loreto; Mojumder, Shaown; Prautsch, Benjamin; Pscheidl, Ferdinand; Roscher, Karsten; Schneickert, Sören; Vanselow, Frank; Wallbott, Paul; Walter, Oliver; Weber, Nico
International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems - Architectures, Modeling, and Si­mu­la­tion 2021
[Conference Paper]

The Hijackers Guide to the Galaxy: Off-Path Taking Over Internet Resources
Dai, Tianxiang; Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael

Android Data Storage Locations and What App Developers do with it from a Security and Privacy Perspective
Heid, Kris; Tefke, Tobias; Heider, Jens; Staudemeyer, Ralf C.
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Local Power Grids at Risk
Zhdanova, Maria; Urbansky, Julian; Hagemeier, Anne; Zelle, Daniel; Herrmann, Isabelle Frederike; Höffner, Dorian
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]

Messung der Datenminimierung für den Beschäftigtendatenschutz am Beispiel von Standortdaten
Schleper, Janine; Kohn, Matthias; Jo Pesch, Paulina; Waldmann, Ulrich; Kunz, Thomas
Gesellschaft für Informatik (Jahrestagung) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Towards Image Hashing Robust Against Cropping and Rotation
Steinebach, Martin; Berwanger, Tiberius; Liu, Huajian
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

Mixed Certificate Chains for the Transition to Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3
Paul, S.; Kuzovkova, Y.; Lahr, Norman; Niederhagen, R.
Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

Injection Attacks Reloaded: Tunnelling Malicious Payloads over DNS
Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya
USENIX Security Symposium 2021

Smart RPKI Validation: Avoiding Errors and Preventing Hijacks
Hlavacek, Tomas; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

Issues of Verifying Anonymity: An Overview
Stummer-Diel, Sarah
Gesellschaft für Informatik (Jahrestagung) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Simplifying multimodal journeys: An authentication and data sharing framework in the mobility service domain
Gadacz, Henry

Towards a Privacy-Aware Electric Vehicle Architecture
Plappert, Christian; Stancke, Jonathan; Jäger, Lukas
International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing 2022
[Conference Paper]

Stalloris: RPKI Downgrade Attack
Hlavacek, Tomas; Jeitner, Philipp; Mirdita, Donika; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
USENIX Security Symposium 2022

Compliance: Ein Überblick über wichtige Rechtsvorschriften für Startups in der Cybersicherheit
Stummer-Diel, Sarah

XDRI Attacks - and - How to Enhance Resilience of Residential Routers
Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Teichmann, Lucas Andreas; Waidner, Michael
USENIX Security Symposium 2022
[Conference Paper]

Transformer-based Extraction of Deep Image Models
Battis, Verena; Penner, Alexander
European Symposium on Security and Privacy 2022
[Conference Paper]

ML-basierte Klassifizierung von E-Mails für die datenschutzkonforme Löschung und Archivierung
Kunz, Thomas; Waldmann, Ulrich
Gesellschaft für Informatik (Jahrestagung) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Using Telegram as a carrier for image steganography: Analysing Telegrams API limits
Bunzel, Niklas; Chen, Tobias; Steinebach, Martin
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

Analysis and Evaluation of Hardware Trust Anchors in the Automotive Domain
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas; Heddergott, Ronald
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

A Synopsis of Critical Aspects for Darknet Research
Platzer, Florian; Lux, Alexandra
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

How (Not) to Deploy Cryptography on the Internet
Shulman, Haya
Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy 2022
[Conference Paper]

REGRETS: A New Corpus of Regrettable (Self-) Disclosures on Social Media
Simo Fhom, Hervais-Clemence; Kreutzer, Michael
Conference on Computer Communications 2022
[Conference Paper]

From IP to transport and beyond: Cross-layer attacks against applications
Dai, Tianxiang; Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael