COLFISPOOF: A new Database for Contactless Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Research
Kolberg, J.; Priesnitz, J.; Rathgeb, C.; Busch, C.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
[Conference Proceedings]
Semi-synthetic Data Generation for Tattoo Segmentation
Gonzalez-Soler, L. J.; Rathgeb, C.; Fischer, D.
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), p.1-6
[Conference Proceedings]
On the Impact of Tattoos on Hand Recognition
Gonzalez-Soler, L. J.; Zyla, Kacper M.; Rathgeb, C.; Fischer, D.
Proc. Intl. Conf. of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics (BIOSIG 2023), p.1-10
[Conference Proceedings]
Benchmarking Cross-Domain Face Recognition with Avatars, Caricatures and Sketches
A. Foroughi, C. Rathgeb, M. Ibsen; Busch, C.
Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), p.1-5
[Conference Proceedings]
A Principal Component Analysis-Based Approach for Single Morphing Attack Detection
Dargaud, L.; Ibsen, M.; Tapia, J.; Busch, C.
IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVw)
[Conference Proceedings]
Utility Prediction Performance of Finger Image Quality Assessment Software
Henniger, Olaf
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Special Interest Group Biometrics (BIOSIG International Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]
Aehnelt, Mario; Fellmann, Michael; Kirste, Thomas
Interactive Exercises for Computer-based Work Using a Webcam
Schmidt, Angelina Clara; Shahid, Hassan; Kraft, Dimitri; Bieber, Gerald; Fellmann, Michael
international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2023
[Conference Paper]
Survey on Food Intake Methods using Visual Technologies
Dubey, Sudhir Kumar; Kraft, Dimitri; Drüeke, Nicola Marlene; Bieber, Gerald
international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2023
[Conference Paper]
Making Noise - Improving Seismocardiography Based Heart Analysis with Denoising Autoencoders
Burian, Jonas; Tödtmann, Helmut; Haescher, Marian; Aehnelt, Mario; Kuijper, Arjan
international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2023
[Conference Paper]
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
Schmidt, Angelina; Kraft, Dimitri; Lambusch, Fabienne; Fellmann, Michael
International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies 2023
[Conference Paper]
Demo: Cohort Visualization and Analysis of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Sessler, David; Ahmad, Salmah; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare 2023
[Conference Paper]
Portrait2Bust: DualStyleGAN-based portrait image stylization based on bust sculpture images
Sinha, Saptarshi Neil; Weinmann, Michael
Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2023
[Conference Paper]
Towards medhub: A Self-Service Platform for Analysts and Physicians
Höhn, Markus; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Burmeister, Jan; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare 2023
[Conference Paper]
Opinion on Supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/943
Gkoktsis, George; Kreutzer, Michael; Scheel, Kirstin; Schreiber, Linda
Poster: LeMon: Global Route Leak Monitoring Service
Schulmann, Haya; Zhao, Shujie
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]
Poster: Off-Path DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks
Heftrig, Elias; Schulmann, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]
Keep Your Friends Close, but Your Routeservers Closer: Insights into RPKI Validation in the Internet
Hlavacek, Tomas; Schulmann, Haya; Vogel, Niklas; Waidner, Michael
USENIX Security Symposium 2023
Risk Assessments in Virtual Power Plants with NESCOR Criteria, Practical Application, Advantages and Disadvantages
Gkoktsis, Georgios; Lauer, Hagen; Jäger, Lukas
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2023
[Conference Paper]
Beyond Limits: How to Disable Validators in Secure Networks
Hlavacek, Tomas; Jeitner, Philipp; Mirdita, Donika; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]
APT Detection: An Incremental Correlation Approach
Daneshgadeh Çakmakçı, Salva; Gkoktsis, Georgios; Buchta, Robin; Detken, Kai Oliver; Heine, Felix; Kleiner, Carsten
International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems - Technology Applications 2023
[Conference Paper]
Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure
Eckel, Michael; George, Dominik Roy; Grohmann, Björn; Krauß, Christoph
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]
Secure and Lightweight Over-the-Air Software Update Distribution for Connected Vehicles
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]
Secure and Lightweight ECU Attestations for Resilient Over-the-Air Updates in Connected Vehicles
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]
Populating the Zoo of Rugged Pseudorandom Permutations
Degabriele, Jean Paul; Karadžić, Vukašin
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023, p.270-300
[Conference Proceedings]
The Indifferentiability of the Duplex and Its Practical Applications
Degabriele, Jean Paul; Fischlin, Marc; Govinden, Jérôme
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023, p.237-269
[Conference Proceedings]
Towards medhub: A Self-Service Platform for Analysts and Physicians
Höhn, Markus; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Burmeister, Jan; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare 2023
Iterative Next Boundary Detection for Instance Segmentation of Tree Rings in Microscopy Images of Shrub Cross Sections
Gillert, Alexander; Resente, Giulia; Anadon-Rosell, Alba; Wilmking, Martin; Lukas, Uwe Freiherr von
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023
[Conference Paper]
SynthASpoof: Developing Face Presentation Attack Detection Based on Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data
Fang, Meiling; Huber, Marco; Damer, Naser
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2023
[Conference Paper]
CR-FIQA: Face Image Quality Assessment by Learning Sample Relative Classifiability
Boutros, Fadi; Fang, Meiling; Klemt, Marcel; Fu, Biying; Damer, Naser
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023
[Conference Paper]