Zulässigkeit der Zweckänderung durch Auftragsverarbeiter
Boll, Alina; Gärtner, Tanya; Geissler, Ines; Stummer, Sarah
[Journal Article]
Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure
Eckel, Michael; George, Dominik Roy; Grohmann, Björn; Krauß, Christoph
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]
Secure and Lightweight Over-the-Air Software Update Distribution for Connected Vehicles
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]
Secure and Lightweight ECU Attestations for Resilient Over-the-Air Updates in Connected Vehicles
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]
Langfristige IT-Sicherheit durch Kryptoagilität
Wolf, Leonie; Kreutzer, Michael
Queen of Swords at Touché 2023. Intra-Multilingual Multi-Target Stance Classification using BERT
Schäfer, Karla
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2023
[Conference Paper]
Fraunhofer SIT at CheckThat! 2023: Enhancing the Detection of Multimodal and Multigenre Check-Worthiness Using Optical Character Recognition and Model Souping
Frick, Raphael; Vogel, Inna; Choi, Jeong-Eun
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2023
[Conference Paper]
Transparency in Messengers. A Metadata Analysis Based on the Example of Telegram
Schäfer, Karla; Choi, Jeong-Eun
Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 2023
[Conference Paper]
RulEth: Genetic Programming-Driven Derivation of Security Rules for Automotive Ethernet
Gail, Felix; Rieke, Roland; Fenzl, Florian
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2023
[Conference Paper]
Transferrability of Adversarial Attacks from Convolutional Neural Networks to ChatGPT4
Bunzel, Niklas
Superpolynomial quantum-classical separation for density modeling
Pirnay, Niklas; Sweke, Ryan; Eisert, Jens; Seifert, Jean-Pierre
[Journal Article]
Evaluating the applicability of hardware trust anchors for automotive applications
Plappert, Christian; Lorych, Dominik; Eckel, Michael; Jäger, Lukas; Fuchs, Andreas; Heddergott, Ronald
[Journal Article]
Trojan awakener: detecting dormant malicious hardware using laser logic state imaging (extended version)
Krachenfels, Thilo; Seifert, Jean-Pierre; Tajik, Shahin
[Journal Article]
Post Pandemic Follow-Up – How Data Sharing Can Be Reached in a Privacy-Friendly Way to Prepare Us for a Smart World
Selzer, Annika; Timm, Ingo J.
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Digitalisierung: Chancen nutzen, Risiken vermeiden
Selzer, Annika; Ingo J. Timm
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Umbruch im Datenschutz
Selzer, Annika
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Leben in Metaversen und im Virtual Afterlife
Geissler, Ines
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Datenschutzrechtliche Rollen in Metaversen und im virtuellen Weiterleben
Geissler, Ines
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Der geplante US Active Cyber Defense Certainty Act - Ein Vorbild für Deutschland?
Kriegel, Jessica; Boll, Alina
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Towards a Taxonomy of Cyber Defence in International Law
Gärtner, Tanya
Fachtagung Software Engineering 2023
[Conference Paper]
Legal Requirements and Technical Metrics for Controlling Privacy of Employees' Location Data
Waldmann, Ulrich; Kunz, Thomas; Schleper, Janine; Kohn, Matthias; Pesch, Paulina Jo
Konferenz "Mensch und Computer" 2023
[Conference Paper]
Securing the Future Railway System: Technology Forecast, Security Measures, and Research Demands
Unger, Simon; Heinrichs, Markus; Scheuermann, Dirk; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Schubert, Max; Hagemann, Leon; Iffländer, Lukas
[Journal Article]
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Centered Workload Prediction Models for Cloud
Saxena, Deepika; Kumar, Jitendra; Singh, Ashutosh Kumar; Schmid, Stefan
[Journal Article]
Duo: A High-Throughput Reconfigurable Datacenter Network Using Local Routing and Control
Zerwas, Johannes; Györgyi, Csaba; Blenk, Andreas; Schmid, Stefan; Avin, Chen
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Performance Evaluation (ACM SIGMETRICS Conference) 2023
[Journal Article]
A Concise Analysis of Pasting Attacks and their Impact on Image Classification
Bunzel, Niklas; Graner, Lukas
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops 2023
[Conference Paper]
Adversarial Patch Detection and Mitigation by Detecting High Entropy Regions
Bunzel, Niklas; Siwakoti, Ashim; Klause, Gerrit
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops 2023
[Conference Paper]
Multi-class Detection for Off The Shelf transfer-based Black Box Attacks
Bunzel, Niklas; Böringer, Dominik
Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Deep Learning Systems 2023
[Conference Paper]
Towards Mission Aware Cyber-Resiliency with Autonomous Agents
Gkoktsis, Georgios; Lauer, Hagen; Jäger, Lukas
Australasian Computer Science Week 2023
[Conference Paper]
Identifizierbarkeit und Anonymität im Internet
Stummer, Sarah
[Journal Article]
Extensible and Scalable Architecture for Hybrid Analysis
Miltenberger, Marc; Arzt, Steven
International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis 2023
[Conference Paper]