

Programming Scalable Cloud Services with AEON
Sang, Bo; Petri, Gustavo; Ardekani, Masoud Saeida; Ravi, Srivatsan; Eugster, Patrick
Middleware '16 Proceedings of the 17th International Middleware Conference, p.16:1
[Conference Proceedings]

Enabling Automatic Password Change in Password Managers Through Crowdsourcing
Mayer, Peter; Berket, Hermann; Volkamer, Melanie
International Conference on Passwords
[Conference Proceedings]

The simpler, the better? Presenting the COPING Android permission-granting interface for better privacy-related decisions
Gerber, Paul; Renaud, Karen; Volkamer, Melanie
>Journal of Information Security and Applications, p.8-26
[Journal Article]

A security analysis of techniques for long-term integrity protection
Geihs, Matthias; Demirel, Denise; Buchmann, Johannes
2016 Privacy, Security and Trust Conference
[Conference Proceedings]

Analyzing Flow-based Anomaly Intrusion Detection using Replicator Neural Networks
Garcia Cordero, Carlos; Hauke, Sascha; Mühlhäuser, Max; Fischer, Mathias
Privacy, Security and Trust Conference, p.317 - 324
[Conference Proceedings]

Efficient Proactive Secret Sharing
Brendel, Jacqueline; Demirel, Denise
2016 Privacy, Security and Trust Conference
[Conference Proceedings]

Parallel (Probable) Lock-Free Hash Sieve: A Practical Sieving Algorithm for the SVP
Mariano, Artur; Laarhoven, Thijs; Bischof, Christian
44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2015)
[Conference Proceedings]

Efficiency Evaluation of Cryptographic Protocols for Boardroom Voting
Kulyk, Oksana; Neumann, Stephan; Budurushi, Jurlind; Volkamer, Melanie; Haenni, Rolf; Koenig, Reto; Bergen, Philemon von
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-19
[Journal Article]

TESLA: Tightly-Secure Efficient Signatures from Standard Lattices
Alkim, Erdem; Bindel, Nina; Buchmann, Johannes; Dagdelen, Özgür; Schwabe, Peter
Cryptology ePrints Archive, p.1-24
[Journal Article]

TARDIS: Software-Only System-Level Record and Replay in Wireless Sensor Networks
Tancreti, Matthew; Sundaram, Vinaitheerthan; Bagchi, Saurabh; Eugster, Patrick
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, p.286-297
[Conference Proceedings]

HAFIX: Hardware-Assisted Flow Integrity Extension (Best Paper Award)
Arias, Orlando; Davi, Lucas; Hanreich, Matthias; Jin, Yier; Koeberl, Patrick; Paul, Debayan; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Sullivan, Dean
52nd Design Automation Conference (DAC)
[Conference Proceedings]

Access-Path Abstraction: Scaling Field-Sensitive Data-Flow Analysis with Unbounded Access Paths
Lerch, Johannes; Späth, Johannes; Bodden, Eric; Mezini, Mira
Proceedings of the 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), p.619-629
[Conference Proceedings]

Smart and Secure Cross-Device Apps for the Internet of Advanced Things
Busold, Christoph; Heuser, Stephan; Rios, Jon; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Asokan, Nadarajah
Financial Cryptography and Data Security
[Conference Proceedings]

Hybrid Communication Architecture for Emergency Response - An Implementation in Firefighter’s Use Case
Nguyen, The An Binh; Englert, Frank; Farr, Simon; Gottron, Christian; Böhnstedt, Doreen; Steinmetz, Ralf
International Workshop on Pervasive Networks for Emergency Management (PerNEM)
[Conference Proceedings]

Cloud-based IoT Analytics for the Smart Grid: Experiences from a 3-year Pilot
Hasan, T.; Kikiras, Panayotis; Leonardi, Alessandro; Ziekow, Holger; Daubert, Jörg
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TRIDENTCOM), p.1-10
[Conference Proceedings]

A View on Privacy & Trust in IoT
Daubert, Jörg; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Kikiras, Panayotis
IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC), International Workshop on Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (IoT/CPS-Security), p.2665-2670
[Conference Proceedings]

A probabilistic kernel method for human mobility prediction with smartphones
Do, Trinh Minh Tri; Dousse, Olivier; Miettinen, Markus; Gatica-Perez, Daniel
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, p.13-28
[Journal Article]

End-2-End Privacy Architecture for IoT
Funke, Sebastian; Daubert, Jörg; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Kikiras, Panayotis; Mühlhäuser, Max
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Sanitizable Signcryption: Sanitization over Encrypted Data (Full Version)
Fehr, Victoria; Fischlin, Marc
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.765
[Journal Article]

An Automatic Inference of Minimal Security Types
Bollmann, Dominik; Lortz, Steffen; Mantel, Heiko; Starostin, Artem
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Towards Secure Integration of Cryptographic Software
Arzt, Steven; Nadi, Sarah; Ali, Karim; Bodden, Eric; Erdweg, Sebastian; Mezini, Mira
OOPSLA Onward!
[Conference Proceedings]

Universality in random quantum networks
Novotny, Jaroslav; Alber, Gernot; Jex, Igor
Physical Review A
[Journal Article]

Authenticated Key Exchange from Ideal Lattices
Zhang, Jiang; Zhang, Zhenfeng; Ding, Jintai; Snook, Michael; Dagdelen, Özgür
[Conference Proceedings]

Über die Wirksamkeit von Anti-Phishing-Training
Stockhardt, Simon; Reinheimer, Benjamin; Volkamer, Melanie
Usable Security and Privacy Workshop in conjunction with Mensch und Computer 2015, p.647-655
[Conference Proceedings]

Securing Legacy Software against Real-World Code-Reuse Exploits: Utopia, Alchemy, or Possible Future? - Keynote -
Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Davi, Lucas; Larsen, Per
10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2015)
[Conference Proceedings]

I know where you are: Proofs of Presence resilient to malicious provers
Miettinen, Markus; Asokan, N.; Koushanfar, Farinaz; Nguyen, Thien Duc; Rios, Jon; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Sobhani, Majid; Yellapantula, Sudha
10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2015)
[Conference Proceedings]

IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz im vernetzten Fahrzeug
Krauß, Christoph; Waidner, Michael
>Datenschutz und Datensicherheit DuD, p.383-387
[Journal Article]

Time to Rethink: Trust Brokerage using Trusted Execution Environments
Koeberl, Patrick; Phegade, Vinay; Rajan, Anand; Schneider, Thomas; Schulz, Steffen; Zhdanova, Maria
Trust and Trustworthy Computing, p.181-190
[Conference Proceedings]

On the Security of Long-lived Archiving Systems based on the Evidence Record Syntax
Geihs, Matthias; Demirel, Denise; Buchmann, Johannes
Codes, Cryptology and Information Security
[Conference Proceedings]

Lattice Basis Reduction Attack against Physically Unclonable Functions
Ganji, Fatemeh; Krämer, Juliane; Seifert, Jean-Pierre; Tajik, Shahin
22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2015)
[Conference Proceedings]