

One Key to Sign Them All Considered Vulnerable: Evaluation of DNSSEC in Signed Domains
Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
The 14th USENIX Symposium on Networked SystemsDesign and Implementation (NSDI)
[Conference Proceedings]

Slow TCAM Exhaustion DDoS Attack
Pascoal, Túlio A.; Dantas, Yuri Gil; Fonseca, Iguatemi E.; Nigam, Vivek
IFIP SEC 2017 - 32nd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, p.17-31
[Conference Proceedings]

Ant Colonies for Efficient and Anonymous Group Communication Systems
Grube, Tim; Hauke, Sascha; Daubert, Jörg; Mühlhäuser, Max
2017 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), p.1-8
[Conference Proceedings]

An Experimental Study of a Bucketing Approach
Dantas, Yuri Gil; Hamann, Tobias; Mantel, Heiko; Schickel, Johannes
Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems
[Conference Proceedings]

MoPS: A Modular Protection Scheme for Long-Term Storage
Weinert, Christian; Demirel, Denise; Vigil, Martín; Geihs, Matthias; Buchmann, Johannes
ASIA CCS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.436-448
[Conference Proceedings]

The Circle Game: Scalable Private Membership Test Using Trusted Hardware
Tamrakar, Sandeep; Liu, Jian; Paverd, Andrew; Ekberg, Jan-Erik; Pinkas, Benny; Asokan, N.
ASIA CCS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.31-44
[Conference Proceedings]

Secure Multiparty Computation from SGX
Portela, Bernardo; Barbosa, Manuel; Scerri, Guillaume; Warinschi, Bogdan; Bahmani, Raad; Brasser, Ferdinand; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Financial Cryptography and Data Security
[Conference Proceedings]

A Practical Multivariate Blind Signature Scheme
Petzoldt, Albrecht; Szepieniec, Alan; Mohamed, Mohamed Saied Emam
Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2017
[Conference Proceedings]

Poster: Secure Storage of Masked Passwords
Mayer, Peter; Volkamer, Melanie
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Posters
[Conference Proceedings]

Enabling Vote Delegation in Boardroom Voting
Kulyk, Oksana; Neumann, Stephan; Marky, Karola; Volkamer, Melanie
Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Associated with Financial Crypto 2017, p.419-433
[Conference Proceedings]

0-RTT Key Exchange with Full Forward Secrecy
Günther, Felix; Hale, Britta; Jager, Tibor; Lauer, Sebastian
Eurocrypt 2017 - 36th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques
[Conference Proceedings]

Replay Attacks on Zero Round-Trip Time: The Case of the TLS 1.3 Handshake Candidates
Fischlin, Marc; Günther, Felix
2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2017)
[Conference Proceedings]

Linearly Homomorphic Authenticated Encryption with Provable Correctness and Public Verifiability
Buchmann, Johannes; Demirel, Denise; Schabhüser, Lucas; Struck, Patrick
C2SI 2017 - Codes, Cryptology and Information Security - Second International Conference in honor of Professor Claude Carlet, p.142-160
[Conference Proceedings]

SHORT PAPER: LINCOS - A Storage System Providing Long-Term Integrity, Authenticity, and Confidentiality
Braun, Johannes; Buchmann, Johannes; Demirel, Denise; Fujiwara, Mikio; Geihs, Matthias; Moriai, Shiho; Sasaki, Masahide; Waseda, Atsushi
ASIA CCS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.461-468
[Conference Proceedings]

Student Research Abstract: On Enhancing Trust in Cryptographic Solutions
Alexopoulos, Nikolaos
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
[Conference Proceedings]

Flexibles: Deformation-Aware 3D-Printed Tangibles for Capacitive Touchscreens
Schmitz, Martin; Steimle, Jürgen; Huber, Jochen; Dezfuli, Niloofar; Mühlhäuser, Max
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p.1001-1014
[Conference Proceedings]

Election-Dependent Security Evaluation of Internet Voting Schemes
Neumann, Stephan; Noll, Manuel; Volkamer, Melanie
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. SEC 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, p.371-382
[Conference Proceedings]

Internet-Wide Study of DNS Cache Injections
Klein, Amit; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)
[Conference Proceedings]

Hardening Java's Access Control by Abolishing Implicit Privilege Elevation
Holzinger, Philipp; Hermann, Ben; Lerch, Johannes; Bodden, Eric; Mezini, Mira
2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP 2017), p.1.109
[Conference Proceedings]

Finding Common Ground: A Survey of Capacitive Sensing in Human-Computer Interaction
Grosse-Puppendahl, Tobias; Holz, Christian; Cohn, Gabe A.; Wimmer, Raphael; Bechtold, Oskar; Hodges, Steve; Reynolds, Matthew S.; Smith, Joshua R.
CHI'17 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p.3293-3316
[Conference Proceedings]

Cheetah: Just-in-Time Taint Analysis for Android Apps
Nguyen Quang Do, Lisa; Ali, Karim; Livshits, Benjamin; Bodden, Eric; Smith, Justin; Murphy-Hill, Emerson
2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C), p.39-42
[Conference Proceedings]

Ein deutsches digitales Signaturverfahren auf dem Weg zum internationalen kryptographischen Standard
Bindel, Nina
Digitale Gesellschaft zwischen Risikobereitschaft und Sicherheitsbedürfnis- Tagungsband zum 15. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress
[Conference Proceedings]

Towards Trust-Aware Collaborative Intrusion Detection: Challenges and Solutions
Vasilomanolakis, Emmanouil; Habib, Sheikh Mahbub; Milaszewicz, Pavlos; Malik, Rabee Sohail; Mühlhäuser, Max
Trust Management XI, p.94-109
[Conference Proceedings]

IoT Sentinel Demo: Automated Device-Type Identification for Security Enforcement in IoT
Miettinen, Markus; Marchal, Samuel; Hafeez, Ibbad; Frassetto, Tommaso; Asokan, N.; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Tarkoma, Sasu
Proc. 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017)
[Conference Proceedings]

IoT Sentinel: Automated Device-Type Identification for Security Enforcement in IoT
Miettinen, Markus; Marchal, Samuel; Hafeez, Ibbad; Asokan, N.; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Tarkoma, Sasu
Proc. 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017)
[Conference Proceedings]

Counting in the Dark: Caches Discovery and Enumeration in the Internet
Klein, Amit; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
[Conference Proceedings]

A Hybrid Lattice Basis Reduction and Quantum Search Attack on LWE
Göpfert, Florian; Vredendaal, Christine van; Wunderer, Thomas
PQCrypto 2017 - Eighth International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography
[Conference Proceedings]

ORAMs in a Quantum World
Gagliardoni, Tommaso; Karvelas, Nikolaos; Katzenbeisser, S.
PQCrypto 2017 - 8th International Workshop Post-Quantum Cryptography
[Conference Proceedings]

IoT Architektur zum Schutz von Privatsphäre Ende-zu-Ende
Funke, Sebastian
Proceedings of the DACH Security 2017, p.1-10
[Conference Proceedings]

A lightweight protocol for privacy preserving division
Boukoros, Spyros; Karvelas, Nikolaos; Katzenbeisser, Stefan
IWCMC 2017 - 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference
[Conference Proceedings]