Ausprägungen von Uploadfiltern
Steinebach, Martin
[Book Article]
Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsanalyse von Mobilen Learning Apps
Dass, Sunny; Kreutzer, Michael; Schreiber, Linda; Simo Fhom, Hervais-Clemence
[Book Article]
Maschinelles Lernen und das Recht auf Nichtwissen
Kreutzer, Michael; Mittermeier, Johanna
[Book Article]
Deanonymisierung im Tor-Netzwerk - Technische Möglichkeiten und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen
Wittmer, Sandra; Platzer, Florian; Steinebach, Martin; Yannikos, York
[Book Article]
Context, Prioritization, and Unexpectedness: Factors Influencing User Attitudes About Infographic and Comic Consent
Doan, Xengie Cheng; Selzer, Annika; Rossi, Arianna; Botes, Wilhelmina Maria; Lenzini, Gabriele
International Workshop on Consent Management in Online Services, Networks and Things 2022
[Conference Paper]
Digitaler Fußabdruck
Conrad, Bernd; Kreutzer, Michael; Mittermeier, Johanna; Schreiber, Linda; Simo Fhom, Hervais-Clemence
[Book Article]
Stalloris: RPKI Downgrade Attack
Hlavacek, Tomas; Jeitner, Philipp; Mirdita, Donika; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
USENIX Security Symposium 2022
[Conference Paper]
Kontrollen bei Auftragsverarbeitern
Durmus, Erdem; Engelhardt, Jens; Selzer, Annika
[Journal Article]
Data Acquisition on a Large Darknet Marketplace
Yannikos, York; Heeger, Julian; Steinebach, Martin
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]
Fraunhofer SIT at CheckThat! 2022: Semi-Supervised Ensemble Classification for Detecting Check-Worthy Tweets
Frick, Raphael Antonius; Vogel, Inna; Nunes Grieser, Isabella
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2022
[Conference Paper]
Fraunhofer SIT at CheckThat! 2022: Ensemble Similarity Estimation for Finding Previously Fact-Checked Claims
Frick, Raphael Antonius; Vogel, Inna
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2022
[Conference Paper]
An Unorthodox Approach for Style Change Detection
Graner, Lukas; Ranly, Paul
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2022
[Conference Paper]
Recht und Technik - Datenschutz im Diskurs
Grimm, Rüdiger; Hornung, Gerrit; Sorge, Christoph; Spiecker Genannt Doehmann, Indra
Gesellschaft für Informatik (Jahrestagung) 2022
[Conference Paper]
Technologie- und Securityprognose System Bahn - Bedrohungen rechtzeitig erkennen
Heinrich, Markus; Iffländer, Lukas; Scheuermann, Dirk; Katzenbeißer, Stefan; Unger, Simon
[Journal Article]
ML-basierte Unterstützung von Lösch- und Aufbewahrungspflichten
Kunz, Thomas; Waldmann, Ulrich
[Journal Article]
Fraunhofer SIT@SMM4H’22: Learning to Predict Stances and Premises in Tweets related to COVID-19 Health Orders Using Generative Models
Frick, Raphael Antonius; Steinebach, Martin
Workshop on Social Media Mining for Health Applications 2022
[Conference Paper]
IT and more: Anonymisierung unstrukturierter Daten
Steinebach, Martin; Vogel, Inna
[Journal Article]
Behind the Scenes of RPKI
Hlavacek, Tomas; Jeitner, Philipp; Mirdita, Donika; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022
[Conference Paper]
Poster: Insights into Global Deployment of RPKI Validation
Shulman, Haya; Vogel, Niklas; Waidner, Michael
Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022
[Conference Paper]
Poster: The Unintended Consequences of Algorithm Agility in DNSSEC
Heftrig, Elias; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022
[Conference Paper]
Poster: RPKI Kill Switch
Mirdita, Donika; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022
[Conference Paper]
Poster: DNS in Routers Considered Harmful
Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022
[Conference Paper]
Security code smells in apps: are we getting better?
Arzt, Steven
European Software Engineering Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]
Auswahl cloudbasierter Dienste
Geissler, Ines; Pordesch, Ulrich; Selzer, Annika; Wilmer, Thomas
[Journal Article]
Sicherheitsherausforderungen für Smart-City-Infrastrukturen
Zimmermann, Verena; Haunschild, Jasmin; Unden, Marita; Gerber, Paul; Gerber, Nina
Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, p.119-126
[Journal Article]
Disrupting Continuity of Apple’s Wireless Ecosystem Security: New Tracking, DoS, and MitM Attacks on iOS and macOS Through Bluetooth Low Energy, AWDL, and Wi-Fi
Stute, Milan; Heinrich, Alexander; Lorenz, Jannik; Hollick, Matthias
Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, p.3917-3934
[Conference Proceedings]
DeepSight: Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning Through Deep Model Inspection
Rieger, Phillip; Nguyen, Thien Duc; Miettinen, Markus; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2022
[Conference Proceedings]
Guest Editorial Preface: Special Issue on IT-Support for Crisis and Continuity Management
Reuter, Christian; Pottebaum, Jens
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), p.v-viii
[Journal Article]
Soziale Medien und Apps in Notsituationen: Eine repräsentative Studie über die Wahrnehmung in Deutschland
Reuter, Christian; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Spielhofer, Thomas; Hahne, Anna Sophie
BBK Bevölkerungsschutz, p.22-24
[Journal Article]
Katwarn, NINA or FEMA? Multi-Method Study on Distribution, Use and Public Views on Crisis Apps
Reuter, Christian; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Leopold, Inken; Knipp, Hannah
Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), p.2187-2201
[Conference Proceedings]